Sick of chasing clients to pay their outstanding invoices from old jobs?
Tired of having a cashflow that SUCKS?
Change it. Start getting paid on time, in full, AUTOMATICALLY!
Sign up with TradePaid, the PROVEN system to get your invoices paid the minute you finish the job.
We'll get you set up in no time.
Watertight Terms & Conditions
supplied by Bulletproof My Business
Access and confirm
your customers payment methods BEFORE you even start work
Hours and hours of time back
for you to spend growing your business
A simple system
that guides you every step of the way
that you will get paid, in full, and on time... priceless.
And once we have set your account up, our charge is just 3.5% of your invoice value. It’s actually a no-brainer.
Want to spend less time chasing overdue invoices? Easy. Click here.If your business turns over $300,000 per year, for example, you could be losing up to $60,000 in unpaid invoices.
That’s insane.
Spending HOURS chasing clients for payment, stressing over cashflow, having to go into YOUR savings to prop everything up.
If you are with TradePaid, you would get paid on time, in full, for only a fraction of that amount!
How good would that feel....
Use TradePaids’ watertight Terms & Conditions
provided by Bulletproof My Business
TradePaid collects your customers’ payment methods
before the project even starts
Do the work
knowing that you have a payment process in place
Finish the work, & get paid, automatically
That's it.
“I'm a typical tradie's wife. I work full time elsewhere in a completely unrelated field, and have a household to run with small children. TradePaid has been amazing - every single time, they’ve made my problems go away. I heartily recommend any business get on board. And get paid. :)”
“I’m away on holidays, will pay you when I’m back.”
Even though the job was finished months ago....
“Been busy at work, will look at it on the weekend.”
If you go to a restaurant, you have your meal, and then you say, I’ll pay you later ... soon .... when I’m back from holidays...well, that would be completely unacceptable.
So why does it happen in the trades industry?
TradePaid is a service of Bulletproof My Business, Australia's only bad debt preventers. When clients use our processes, they get paid - it actually is that simple.